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We now learn that all of Gadebrook's Crabbet Arabian horses descend from Abbas Pasha's most important and influential stallion Ghadir, with a very dramatic provenance.

According to Arabian pedigree specialist Edouard al Dadah:
The stallion Ghadir was a Saqlawi Jadran of the Samni strain, born in 1846. At the age of 14, he was acquired by Baron von Hugel, for the King of Württemberg's Weil stud, at the 1860 dispersal sale of the Abbas Pasha collection.

He was bred by Ghadir Abu Sunun of the Fad'aan Bedouin tribe, and later owned by Faysal Ibn Turki Aal Saud, ruler of Najd, whom Abbas Pasha had freed from his dungeon at the Citadel of Cairo.

Von Hugel was proud to report that "the Bedouin chief, grateful for the precious gift of freedom and true to his word, sent back some horses of remarkable beauty and of the choicest strain, among them the stallion Gadir (sic), which I had the good fortune to secure at auction for the Royal Württemberg Stud."