Anne Brown, Honorary
President AHS 2014 |
For the AHS Yearbook article about Anne's
year as Hon President click HERE

Anne presenting the Gadebrook shield to Crabbet
champion Aaremis at the Arab National Championships, Malvern, July 2014
Anne presenting trophy at the North Staffs
Arab show 2014
Photo: Dee Haggard
A rare hat-less moment at the 2014 National
Arab Show
Anne, sponsor of 2013 and 2014 AHS Performance
Horse Awards with individually named rosettes for winners
Presenting the trophy to the winning colt
at AHS National Championships, Malvern, 2014
Anne as AHS President and sponsor of the
2013 AHS Performance Horse Awards presents the trophies to Binley
Prince Salim (her own stallion!) for Overall Championship, at
Malvern, 2014
Anne with VIP tent hosts Judy Phillips (left)
- the 2015/16 Hon President - and Jan Clark, Malvern, July 2014
Anne presenting prizes to winning Omani trainer
Salim al Hakmani and jockey, at Huntingdon Races, July 2014
Hon President Anne Brown presenting the race winner's trophy,
Wolverhampton Arab meeting 28 September 2014

Anne presents Endurance Award to 2014 Leics
& Rutland Group member Kathy Carr, with Ossie Hare memorial

Hon President Anne Brown (right) 'officially'
opens new AHS HQ, Hungerford, 11 March 2015 & incoming Hon
President Judy Phillips (left), with staff looking on led by
Office Manager Tracy Phizacklea
Anne and Caroline Sussex, the two British
delegates to the World Arab Horse Organisation Conference in Qatar,
November 2014

AHS Hon President Anne Brown tracks down
Kirsty Wiscombe at Barbary Castle Endurance Fesival to present
AHS Performance Horse Awards rosettes and Breeder's trophy for
her results with her AHS part-Arab Premium stallion Yawl Hillbilly

Katie Bedwin, Junior Champion, 2013 Performance
Horse Awards, presented with rosettes from AHS President and sponsor
Anne Brown at Barbary Castle, Wilts, 2014

AHS Hon President Anne Brown presenting,
Katherine Bertram, with 2014 Junior Crabbet Endurance Award, Feb

Anne with WAHO speaker Cynthia Culbertson
(USA), an expert on Arabian culture and horses, Qatar November
Zayin Zachilles and owner Paul Simmons receive
High Points Racing Award in the 2014 AHS Performance Horse Awards
from Hon President Anne Brown, at PJH Training stables Warwickshire,
April 2015.jpg