Gadebrook Open Day 2013
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American breeder Rosemary Doyle greets Russian Arabian filly Mariska by Sambist out of GAS Pepelka
Jackie shows how foals are encouraged to stretch their legs, ably assisted by Bismillah, while Joanna holds Signature
Crabbet tour visitors look on as Jackie gives 3-month old Bismillah a rope-control lesson
Anne, right, explains the history of Gadebrook Stud in the traditional yard of Tansor Lodge Farm
A few of the rosettes won by Salim in Endurance and Dressage; by Kalish in Endurance; by Palmyra and Kaalif in Youngstock classes and other Gadebrook horses over the years in ridden competition
"Hello!" 2-yr old grey filly Palmyra and 7-yr old Pevensey Zariffia greet visitors at Gadebrook's Open Day
Some of the Crabbet Convention visitors watching Jackie working 2-yr old filly Palmyra
Groom Jackie working 2-yr old Crabbet filly Palmyra