Bay pure Crabbet licensed stallion born 16 April
2010 by Silver Zaanif
out of Palma Benay whom
Anne imported to Gadebrook from Australia in 2007.
Now owned by Anja Ward, who also owns his son Shaarif
(born 2015) out of Inshallah
Signature at Gadebrook - the 3rd generation of
pure Crabbet Australian blood.
Top 2-yr old at BEF National Futurity Gradings, endurance
section, 2012 and top 3-yr old in 2013.
Winner in hand and under saddle at 2015 Crabbet Show
at Equifest and winner of Binley Rose Bowl for pure
Crabbets and winner Sports Horse class at British
National Championships Malvern 2015.
Winner of the Arab Horse Society 2019 Performance
Horse Awards, the Dinsdale Cup and the Crabbet Organisation's
overall pure Crabbet Endurance Champion for 2019.
With Anja's daughter Victoria he won the Farenza
Cup for junior endurance rider 2019.
13-yr old Victoria
Ward competing Kaalif on the Lion's Tail Ride in 2019

Photos above: Kaalif who is FEI* qualified for endurance
races, introduced his 5-yr old son Shaarif (from Inshallah
Signature) to his first EGB ride on 1 August 2020 at Wellow,
in Notts. Anja (in stripy socks) who now owns them both
geldings, rode Kaalif; Debbie from New Zealand, who helped
at Gadebrook for the 4- month of Covid-19 lockdown, was
rewarded with the ride on Shaarif.

Kaalif wins the Novice Ridden Championship at the Crabbet
Show at Equifest 2015, ridden by Stephanie Turner, congratulated
by judge Liz Needham
Kaalif at 4, sensitively started under
saddle by Davina Godwin Photo: Stuart Godwin
Kaalif is the first bay pure Crabbet colt born in
Britain since Hachim was foaled here in 1994 (now
in Abu Dhabi). Kaalif brings fresh genes to widen
the Crabbet bloodlines in Britain, and is SCID and
LFS clear. Now stallion-licensed, his first mare Inshallah
Signature (pure-Crabbet) is confirmed in foal. This
will create a third generation of Australian pure
Crabbet Arabians in the UK - always the aim of Gadebrook's
Boomerang plan.
Kaalif paraded at the 2013 World Crabbet Convention
and is now backed and training with Davina Godwin
to compete in Endurance rides in 2015.
As a 2-year old at the BEF Futurity Evaluations in
2012, Kaalif was the highest placed Endurance Two
Year Old and earned a Higher First Premium. Again
as a 3-year old, he earned a coveted Higher First
triumphs at the 2015 Crabbet Show at Equifest, inhand and
under saddle, winning the Novice Ridden Championship (above),
the Sport Horse Championship (below left), the pure-Crabbet
Championship for the Binley Rose Bowl, and the overall High
Points Championship.
Kaalif wins Sport Horse Championship,
sponsored by Mary O'Rourke (left) and judged by Astra
Temple, from Australia (right)
Kaalif enters main Equifest arena
to be judged Overall Reserve Ridden Champion and High
Points Champion of the show
Newly licensed Kaalif goes looking
for mares to cover at Gadebrook, June 2014
Kaalif back at Gadebrook to cover Pevensey
Zariffia and Inshallah Signature


Yearling Kaalif using up some of his boundless energy in
May 2011

Kaalif at 2 months with dam Palma Benay
Kaalif's optimistic,
energetic personality should make him a fine endurance horse
and sire.
His Crabbet bloodlines descending
from horses imported to Australia over 60 years ago make
him a valuable potential future sire.
Two-year old Kaalif wins the Junior Pure
Crabbet rosette at the Crabbet show at Equifest, presented
by Christina Roebuck, AHS president, in August 2012, handled
by Davina Godwin
Susan Hawes stats Kaalif's endurance
career at the Devil's Dyke ride 2016

At 1 week old enjoying the April sunshine, 2010 at Tansor
Lodge Farm

Yearling Kaalif, May 2011