In May 2015, the long-awaited cross from Kaalif, the son of imported
Crabbet mare Palma Benay, with imported mare Inshallah
Signature produced the lively pure-Crabbet bay colt Shaarif
with 3/4 Australian bloodlines and fresh genes for British breeders.
SCID clear and LFS clear. Strong and bold with correct conformation
and boundless energy!
Shaarif is now gelded, and has joined his highly successful sire
Kaalif at Anja Ward's for an endurance career.

Shaarif leads dam Inshallah Signature through
the Gadebrook paddocks, summer 2015

Photos above: Kaalif who is FEI*
qualified for endurance races, introduced his 5-yr old son Shaarif
(from Inshallah Signature) to his first EGB ride on 1 August 2020
at Wellow, in Notts. Anja (in stripy socks) who now owns them
both geldings, rode Kaalif; Debbie from New Zealand, who helped
at Gadebrook for the 4- month of Covid-19 lockdown, was rewarded
with the ride on Shaarif.

Australian guests leading Australian horses
- Tracy Stephens handling 4-month old Shaarif and Randall Temple
with Inshallah Signature, at Gadbrook, August 2015

Astra and Randall Temple from Australia met Australian Crabbets
Inshallah Signature her 4-month old colt Shaarif on their visit
to Gadebrook in August 2015
Gadebrook's "Boomerang
Plan" comes to fruition with the birth of bay colt
foal Shaarif. His dam, Inshallah Signature, is from all-Australian
Crabbet lines, imported in 2012.
His sire is Kaalif,
the son of Palma Benay, also
imported from Australia but from different early Crabbet
lines. So Shaarif's genes, free of SCID and LFS, will give
breeders a fresh pool for their mares with proven performance
lines, and the rare bay colour.

Autumn 2015 and Shaarif models his
Gadebrook is very grateful
to Australian breeders Larry and Marillyn O'Dea from Inshallah
Arabians for allowing their beautiful prize-winning show
mare Signature to come to England and to Leon Bennett of
Pevensey Stud (now in New Zealand) for letting me have the
exceptional brood mare Palma Benay whose first foal is the
athletic Kaalif, winner of the AHS 2019 Performance Horse

Departure day from Gadebrook - Shaarif
(right) with sire Kaalif
The Boomerang Plan that produced by stallion
Kaalif also produced his son Shaarif, but both are now
gelded and both are with Anja Ward. Kaalif is already
a very successful FEI Endurance horse, Shaarif is ready
to following in hoof-prints with Anja as her daughter
Victoria takes over Kaalif.